Re. “Indigenous Albertans dying at younger ages,” July 18
A story Monday reported that indigenous Albertans are dying at younger ages and goes on to say that our life expectancy has fallen to 70.36 years.
At my age, then, I do not have many years left to make the difference that our community members need.
The article provides various statistics that we are all well aware of and have been for many years: higher rates of infant mortality, high rates of diabetes, higher (five to seven time higher in fact) rates of suicide, and significantly higher rates of arthritis, asthma, heart disease and high blood pressure.
Health Minister Sarah Hoffman said she finds the new statistics a troubling situation and I am sure she does. But if she finds it troubling how do you think I as the chief of the Bigstone Cree Nation find it?
We have prioritized health for many years as a council and community; we have invested what we can in improving access and service, yet we still have not been able to gain either provincial or federal assistance or understanding that more needs to be done.
We focus our development on trying to address the social determinants of health, but we cannot change much when the wealth from the resource development within the traditional territory of the Bigstone is given to others to improve their situation.
I have mentioned previously that a fair sharing of the lineal taxes raised needs to be corrected. Greater investment needs to occur in not just the development of services but the delivery of service.
Service providers need to understand our culture and traditions. They need to understand the location and environment that we live in. They need to be there and truly experience what the conditions are. Yet when asked to support our urban outreach health and wellness centre we are met with denials for support because it does not meet the current guidelines for expenditures.
The current guidelines are not working, so why are governments reluctant to provide resources when we who live there know what priorities we need to establish and deliver on.
Recruitment is hard for northern communities so we need to train our own people to deliver service.
Our living conditions are deplorable; overcrowding impacts our children’s ability to do well in school, spreads infections more easily and limits our ability to gain positive outcomes from our health-related programming in maternal and child health, mental health and addictions, dietary and home care.
There is no one solution that will work for everyone. Our situations are different and our ability to deliver on programs varies, so governments need to work with us to develop ideas and solutions that help individual communities resolve their issues.
If governments want to see real change in these statistics than they need to work with us, not tell me what works in Edmonton or Ottawa.
Chief Gordon T. Auger, Bigstone Cree Nation
Don’t base policy on a single incident
“Re. “Province really must to more to pull licences of medically impaired drivers,” Paula Simons, July 19
We need to be careful not to throw terms around loosely. “Medically impaired” can mean different things in different contexts.
I know for a fact that there are many excellent drivers who are wheelchair bound. Are they too “medically impaired” to drive? Are people who wear glasses (as I do) “medically impaired”? If it is the age that is the impairment, is this a blanket impairment? The moment you turn 80, or 75, or whatever age reflects impairment, are you suddenly unable to drive? My own father is 90 and has never had an incident behind the wheel.
I certainly agree that there should be better tests for driving ability, but I think that this also applies to people of all ages. There are drivers who never use a turn signal, wander from lane to lane, speed constantly, text, put on makeup, shave, and do other things while driving. Surely they are just as dangerous.
I don’t have a solution to the problem, but please let’s not simply assume that someone can’t function as a normal person once they reach a certain age.
Barbara Bergstrom, Edmonton
Parking in Edmonton is a huge headache
I recently decided to attend the Edmonton’s Street Performers Festival. Despite the headache of driving, it seemed more cost effective than paying both to park and take the LRT.
I eventually found a spot, proceeded to the new machine, entered the zone code, my licence plate and paid my $3.50 for two hours. The machine informed me I paid and was good to park until almost 4 p.m.
I enjoyed shows, but when I went to retrieve my vehicle, it was gone. Only then did I notice the other sign. It states parking is only permitted up to 3:30 p.m., at which time this zone becomes a tow away zone. Why would the machine tell me I was good to park until almost 4 p.m. when clearly I was not?
With difficulty, I tracked down my vehicle, paid the $163 towing fee and found a $75 ticket for parking in a tow away zone.
City of Champions? Not. I will avoid downtown Edmonton at all costs.
Jill Balacko, Edmonton
Puzzling postal delays
We are quite amazed at our present postal service.
On July 18 we received a postcard sent from Galapagos by our daughter, on May 18. On the same day we received a birthday card for my wife, from a relative in Britain, mailed on June 22 according to the stamp cancellation marks.
When we first came to Edmonton in 1965 we received a reply to a letter sent to this same relative in Britain in three days. It really makes us wonder why the automated system of today causes this delay.
Last Oct. 2 we posted two letters to the same address in Calgary. Our daughter’s card for her birthday on Oct. 6 arrived on Oct. 12 and the card for our son-in-law’s birthday on Oct. 7 hasn’t arrived yet. Both cards had our return addresses on them. What great service.
Kenneth G. Thomas, Edmonton
Time to trade tips for better system
Re. “The Tipping Point,” July 16
I write in support of any and all restaurants that are either getting rid of tips in favour of service charges (which will be used to pay servers’ higher wages) or are at least pooling all tips.
Tipping is archaic and should be abolished. In Europe, a service charge is used instead. That should be the same here.
Some people may not know that servers are required to tip out to bus people and kitchen staff. Having a service charge gets rid of all of that and eliminates tension between staff members. I would pay a service charge because it eliminates having to figure out an appropriate tip.
If you favour service charges over tipping, say so. Tell the restaurant manager. Use the social media to get the message out. Remember if the service is poor you can always dispute the charge.
Craig Harris, Edmonton
Letters welcome
We invite you to write letters to the editor. A maximum of 150 words is preferred. Letters must carry a first and last name, or two initials and a last name, and include an address and daytime telephone number. All letters are subject to editing. We don’t publish letters addressed to others or sent to other publications. Email: .